模板名称: Mica
商业版权: Joomlart商业模板
适用版本: Joomla 1.5.x
演示地址: Live Demo
Up to 8 charming interfaces! That's the first impression we expect to bring to your attention upon the release of our first May template - JA Mica. The JA Mica in use might be optimized differently, yet wide color-theme alternatives from our default design appear close to personal hobby sites, fashion brand or art-related content presentation.
JA Mica is enriched with lively slideshow solutions: JA Slideshow and JA Highslide. The JA Slideshow generates a large-scale slideshow alike the banner rolling ads, meanwhile the JA Highslide facilitates thumbnail view solution creating popup and flyout content box. Not just limit in image, JA Highslide supports various content types also like html, iframe to flash or ajax.
Along with our recent multi-color theme series JA Quartz, JA ZinC, JA Cooper etc., JA Mica makes your selection and customization more easy and flexible. Let's browse 8 charming interfaces here!
JA Mica for Joomla 1.5.x : Quickstart included Joomla! 1.5.10 + Template, Extensions installation packages (8.29 MB)
JA Mica Source files : Full PSD Source file for logo, background, module... (26.98 MB)