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Saturday, May 23, 2009

YJ You Simplicity Joomla Template

YJ You Simplicity Joomla Template | Demo:

You Simplicity is very easy to use and is blazing fast. With just few images used in production we believe that this is one of our fastest Joomla Templates. Equipped with our standard Joomla Template features like, Demo Installation , 3 additional color styles, nicely spread 16 module positions , sleek module slider , this Joomla template will soon become one of your favorite Joomla Themes.

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Youmovies - Joomla Movies Portal

模板名称: Youmovies
商业版权: YouJoomla商业主题
适用版本: Joomla 1.5.x
演示地址: Live Demo

Are you ready for some action?! Youjoomla proudly presents Youmovies.Your one and only Joomla Movies portal Template loaded with video features, new extensions, 10 color combination's, 5 menu types, Joomla Template Demo installation, and all standard Youjoomla template features.With this template we would also like to introduce YJMS 2.0 enhanced version of YJ Movie Studio , YJNS5 News Slider and Multimedia Box 2.0 .

Mediaplate - May 2009 Joomla Club Template

模板名称: Mediaplate
商业版权: Shape5商业模板
适用版本: Joomla 1.5.x
演示地址: Live Demo

After several requests we are happy to release a templates designed around videos and media. We are proud to release our new S5 Media Player module that nicely compliments Mediaplate. The module allows you to add up to 30 video clips/movies. It accepts FLV files and the popular MP4 file types.

This template has 21 modules positions with 3 module styles. As first released last month we include the image rotator and give it a new look to match the Mediplate template. As usually we give you some background options, Mediaplate brings two. You can assign a background to the top portion of the template and to the bottom portion. The S5 Tab show is also included in this template release as seen in the City Portal template. Be sure to browse around the demo of this template to see all the features included!

JA Mica - Personalize with 08 charming interfaces

模板名称: Mica
商业版权: Joomlart商业模板
适用版本: Joomla 1.5.x
演示地址: Live Demo

Up to 8 charming interfaces! That's the first impression we expect to bring to your attention upon the release of our first May template - JA Mica. The JA Mica in use might be optimized differently, yet wide color-theme alternatives from our default design appear close to personal hobby sites, fashion brand or art-related content presentation.

JA Mica is enriched with lively slideshow solutions: JA Slideshow and JA Highslide. The JA Slideshow generates a large-scale slideshow alike the banner rolling ads, meanwhile the JA Highslide facilitates thumbnail view solution creating popup and flyout content box. Not just limit in image, JA Highslide supports various content types also like html, iframe to flash or ajax.

Along with our recent multi-color theme series JA Quartz, JA ZinC, JA Cooper etc., JA Mica makes your selection and customization more easy and flexible. Let's browse 8 charming interfaces here!

JA Mica for Joomla 1.5.x : Quickstart included Joomla! 1.5.10 + Template, Extensions installation packages (8.29 MB)


JA Mica Source files : Full PSD Source file for logo, background, module... (26.98 MB)


PraiseFolio - Joomla! Portfolio Template

模板名称: PraiseFolio
商业版权: JoomlaPraise商业模板
适用版本: Joomla 1.5.x
演示地址: Live Demo

PraiseFolio offers three colors themes. Easily switch between these template themes to change the entire feel of your portfolio, then customize to your liking.

Scene - JoomlaXTC April 09 Template

模板名称: Scene
商业版权: JoomlaXTC商业主题
适用版本: Joomla 1.5.x
演示地址: Live Demo

The latest and greatest template from JoomlaXTC delivers a fresh new CSS based design perfect for Online Magazine's, Blogs, Entertainment, Fashion, and Artistic Portals. Inspired from trend setting design and the colorful, yet clean world of CSS, E-Scene creates yet another branded style of JoomlaXTC! Our Joomla! template utilizes Frontpage Slideshow, a commercial component/module developed by JoomlaWorks, to display the showcased content slideshows. We will provide you with the Frontpage Slideshow template to match our Joomla! template design, but you will have to purchase Frontpage Slideshow separately from

S5 Mediaplate Joomla Template

S5 Mediaplate Joomla Template | Demo

This template has 21 modules positions with 3 module styles. As first released last month we include the image rotator and give it a new look to match the Mediplate template. As usually we give you some background options, Mediaplate brings two. You can assign a background to the top portion of the template and to the bottom portion. The S5 Tab show is also included in this template release as seen in the city Portal template. Be sure to browse around the demo of this template to see all the features included!

RS: | FF: | MU:

Friday, May 15, 2009

Motion - May 09 Joomla Template

模板名称: Motion
商业版权: Yootheme商业模板
适用版本: Joomla 1.5.x
演示地址: Live Demo

Everything is in motion. This month's template Motion pays tribute to the way the world spins. It comes with beautifully designed widescreen landscape backgrounds and subtle animations.

The landscapes you can choose from range from islands and cities to deep sea and space images. Take a closer look and discover the lovely animated sailing boats, clouds, stars, etc.

Also, if you haven't seen it yet, go and get the YOOtweet module we released last month. Displaying Twitter updates on your site has never been easier.

SolarSentinel - May 2009 Joomla Template

模板名称: SolarSentinel
商业版权: RocketTheme商业模板
适用版本: Joomla 1.5.x
演示地址: Live Demo

SolarSentinel is ready to impress, with its staggering assortment of new, powerful and functional modules; its array of varying module hilites; a sophisticated and SEO friendly layout and incredible flexibility make the template an ideal choice for any situation.

Content is king with this template with a plethora of avenues available to showcase your content in a visually stunning and effective manner.

JM Purity - 1st Magento theme by JoomlArt

模板名称: Purity
商业版权: Magento商业模板
适用版本: Joomla 1.5.x
演示地址: Live Demo

JM Purity - Tons of good feedbacks just after 2 days after release on Magento Community. Thank you everyone!

The very first template of JoomlArt Magento Templates Club will be called JM Purity, as winning template JA Purity. The JM Purity will lead as the core theme framework for all upcoming JoomlArt Magentos. If you have already played around with JoomlArt templates so far, you can find our Joomla template framework as a good reference in terms of customization, scalability and validation.

JM Purity Source files : Source file for logo and fonts. (123.7 KB)


JM Purity : JM Purity (1.79 MB)



模板名称: TEQMart
商业版权: JoomlaXTC商业主题
适用版本: Joomla 1.5.x
演示地址: Live Demo

Lean and feature packed, the sixth template from JoomlaXTC delivers another online shopping experience like no other!

GK Corporate Joomla Template

GK Corporate Joomla Template | Demo

Corporate template creates the professional visual impact that will grow in your Clients and Visitors eyes, providing the perfect environment for your company presentation, detail information, business goal, products, announcement, events or different contact ways that will approach even more your business from your Clients

JB Wallpaper Joomla Template

JB Wallpaper Joomla Template | Demo

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JB Vision 2 Joomla Template

JB Vision 2 Joomla Template | Demo

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JP PraiseFolio Joomla Template

JP PraiseFolio Joomla Template | Demo

PraiseFolio offers three colors themes. Easily switch between these template themes to change the entire feel of your portfolio, then customize to your liking. |

JA Mica Joomla Template

JA Mica Joomla Template | Demo

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TM #20244 Into Joomla Template

TM #20244 Into Joomla Template | best template for joomla business | Joom Co

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TM #22767 Into Joomla Template

TM #22767 Into Joomla Template | best template for samll business | IQ Business

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RT Chromatophore Joomla Template | Demo

The incredible new Chromatophore template features the amazing ability to adapt itself to any color combination you desire, without the need to use an image editor. Chromatophore is completely CSS color controlled, offering you the most flexibility and the easiest customization, allowing you to change the colors of your entire site on the fly in seconds.


YJ You!Hostit Joomla Template

YJ You!Hostit Joomla Template | Demo

You!Hostit! Joomla Hosting Enterprise Template is perfect for your new web hosting services website. With unique colors and Web 2.0 style You!Hostit! is very fast loading and enhanced with YJ default styling features, 4 amazing color variations , demo content , new Title menu.

YT Motion Joomla Template

YT Motion Joomla Template | Demo

The landscapes you can choose from range from islands and cities to deep sea and space images. Take a closer look and discover the lovely animated sailing boats, clouds, stars, etc.

Also, if you haven't seen it yet, go and get the YOOtweet module we released last month. Displaying Twitter updates on your site has never been easier.

Of course, like all our templates from 2009, Motion comes with tableless overrides and smart CSS to easily customize all Joomla components, the enhanced YOOtheme module system with flexible proportions, countless options to compose and layout your content and typography and fully sliced Fireworks .png image source files. This way, you can completely modify this template, like all our templates, to suit your needs.


RT SolarSentinel Joomla Template

RT SolarSentinel Joomla Template | Demo

SolarSentinel is ready to impress, with its staggering assortment of new, powerful and functional modules; its array of varying module hilites; a sophisticated and seo friendly layout and incredible flexibility make the template an ideal choice for any situation.

Content is king with this template with a plethora of avenues available to showcase your content in a visually stunning and effective manner.


JA Topaz Joomla Template

JA Topaz Joomla Template | Demo:

Joomla 1.5 overwrite feature has shown its potential so far and based such benefits, JA Topaz easily creates customized instance for default com_content output. This approach reveals that web designers can powerfully take over control of virtually all the output generated to their personal preferences without having to worry about changes being accidentally overwritten when upgrading the site.

As a result, we just use single JA News module 1.3.1 to dispose articles sorted by sections or categories in JA Topaz homepage, default layout alike JA News front-page is no longer in place as it is now handled by overwritten com_content.

YJ You Tutorials

YJ You Tutorials | Demo:

You Tutorials Joomla Personal Blogger template is available for download. Enhanced with new Mootools sliding tabs , 3 amazing color styles, 19 module positions and more.

We adopted new and advanced Joomla frontpage styling that takes off the standard Joomla template look and gives your more flexibility and uniqueness.

BT Creative Joomla template

BT Creative | Demo:

Creative introduces new styling and layout concepts in the Joomla! template world. Menus with shadows, blog date tags with multiple designs and collapsible module positions give this template maximum flexibility. You can enable the blog styled dates to make it work as a blog, the VirtueMart enabled menus to make it an e-commerce website, or keep it simple and use it as a presentation page.

It features a 3 column layout, animation effects, a menu system with built-in support for VirtueMart 1.1 and three designs for blog date tags.

IT Veranda - Joomla News Template

IT Veranda - Joomla News Template | Demo

pring has not yet passed by so that we at IceTheme are not finished with our ideas... So with IT Veranda we have brought to you the fresh mint with the clean and clear design of this high quality Joomla template. IT Veranda's design is extremely focused on Accessibility and Usability and it makes perfect for any type of websites, especially for blogs and personal sites. To increase the interaction of the template we have incorporated and customized four modules so that you can have the possibility to publish any type of content that you may have to your future site. To see on yourserlf the marvelous features of the IT Veranda template please take the time to view it Live.