The hwdVideoShare video sharing gallery is an open source (GNU GPL) video sharing Joomla extension that functions like that of other popular video sharing websites such as YouTube. It features multiple uploading tools for large media uploads. The component requires FFMPEG, MENCODER and FLVTOOL2 to run and supports the mpg, mpeg, avi, divx, mp4, flv, wmv, rm, mov, moov, asf, swf and vob video formats.
Demo; http://demo15.hwdmediashare.co.uk/
More Info: http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/3698/details
1 comment:
HWDVideoshare is one of the best video components for Joomla, along with Joomla Seyret the two video plugin's will create a great video CMS out of your Joomla sites, if used with VideoSwiper.com to mass embed videos you will even further enhance your Joomla HWDVideoshare site. VideoSwiper.com can mass embed videos from 30 top video sharing sites and already has a massive 100 million videos in its database ready for you to upload to your Joomla sites. Add VideoSwiper to your HWDVideoshare Joomla component by visiting their homepage at VideoSwiper Homepage
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